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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Aww Snap! Liebesnest has gone International!

While screwing around with editing my posts and whatnot I came across the stats for this blog and saw where all of the views are coming from. Man, was I shocked at how many people have visited in the very short time span Liebesnest has been in existence. Over 600 people have visited so far, I know that's not alot in the scope of the internet, but it's alot for a fanfiction blog for a not that well known (In my part of the jungle at least) band that has never been advertised except very briefly on a forum that shall remain nameless. So I just want to take this time to thank everyone, first off I want to thank all the Canadians that have visited, 122 of you seem to like (or just be interested) with this site, then come my American compatriots thanks to all 68 or so of you, and the rest of my thanks goes out to the random assortment of countries such as the Netherlands, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, and the single random person who visited from India.

So once again thank you very much interest (or disinterest), you've made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

*Hugs, whips, and kisses*-
                                       Neurosis.Disco <3


  1. LOL the single random person from India!! fascinating stuff, those stats!

  2. Perverted New Zealander signing in!

    Cheeky Brass Monkey xoxo

  3. Add one more randy American to your stats!! I would so let Rammstein dom me like that

